How quality brand photography will make you money

Brand Photography // Jean Lugg

“But I can just take some photos with my phone”

The short answer is yes, yes you can and with today’s phones they will probably turn out fine. You’ll post them on socials, put a few on your website and wait for the business, aka money to come flooding in. After a wait with only the crickets for company, you’ll blame the annoying algorithm and try again. All with the same results again. Fine gets you chasing your tail!

In today’s social media, digital landscape you need to have quality photography and more specifically images that showcase your business that will drive traffic and sales. So, let’s have a closer look at how quality photography can do just that.

  • Professional brand photography ensures potential customers are less likely to question the quality of your product or service. It creates a great first impression.

  • With the abundance of choice available your business only has a moment to be noticed, make it count!

  • Professional photos clearly show the product or service that you sell.

  • Helps your business stand out to create brand recognition.

  • Adds to the perceived value of your product or service, which means a higher price point.

  • Builds trust in your offering with your audience and customers.

Your business can really benefit from quality photography, analysis has shown that the right image can improve conversion rates on your website and attract higher paying customers. And what business doesn’t want that!

Book that branding photography session and show the world how truly amazing your business is!!

I’m Jean. Personal Brand and Product photographer living in Adelaide, South Australia.

Get to know more about me or enquire to work with me. I’d love to hear from you!


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