5 Brand Photos Every Entrepreneur Needs
So you are thinking about booking a brand photography session and you’re super excited about all the gorgeous content you could get and then you make the age old mistake of googling brand photos and you are immediately overwhelmed. And then you think well all I really need is a photo of myself, right?
Nope! And that’s why I have put together this list. It will show you the images you actually need to make the most of your branding session so that you come away with all the imagery and content you want without the overwhelm.
The Headshot - The traditional profile image of your smiling face looking directly at the camera.
The classic must have profile image. And for good reason, it may sound boring but you’ll be able to use it everywhere, and if you are the face of your brand then potential clients need to see said face to build that know, like and trust factor.
The At Work Image - This image shows what it is that you do, the service you provide and what you look like doing while doing it.
This one is similar to the headshot but it shows you in action. It helps your audience and potential clients get a more complete idea of you and your business. Get creative and show your personality with at work images. You are more than just a person sitting or standing behind a laptop!
The Lifestyle Image - Social Media Gold!!
These are the workhorse images that you’ll be sharing on all your social platforms. Images that you don’t have to debate over posting and that fit cohesively with your brand. For that perfect grid or reel. These are the images that when your audience sees them, they know that it’s you! Now, they don’t all need to be of you, they could be of your cute dog (who’s more famous on IG than you are!) or your eccentrically decorated office space or your gorgeous family or your favourite cafe that you spend hours working in. The options are almost endless. The key is that your audience feels your personality, connects to you and resonates with your brand.
The Details Image - The images that show the different details of your brand.
The flat lays and all the unique details of your brand are the stars of these images. These include images such as, your special branded coffee mug, the hat you always wear or the book you always recommend to clients. The perfect images to use on social media to showcase your brand, use as fillers on your website or as headers in email marketing newsletters.
The Product Image - images that show the products that you sell or create.
These are exactly what they say they are! They’re the images that show your audience and clients the exact products that you sell or create.
So there you have it!
Five images to make sure you get the variety you need to make your brand session a whopping success!